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Donations & More



Thank you for all the materials and supplies donated at the beginning of the year!  It's always wonderful to have such great support!  Mahalo!




Email Mr. Bess your answer and receive BONUS Bess Bucks!  What a deal!!!


Question of the Month


What has one head, one foot, and four legs?

Wish List

Item/s in search of...
White board markers (thin black ones)
Computer Ink

Bess Bucks & Auctions

Throughout the year, students will be earning "Bess Bucks" by making good choices and following the "Warrior Way."  Students will balance their Colt Checkbooks and parents will initial the checkbook balance at the end of each week. By initialing your child's Colt Checkbook, you can monitor your child's choices that they have made throughout the given week. 


Over the course of the year, we'll host auctions to give students an opportunity to spend the Bess Bucks they have earned.  Items might include: sitting in the teacher's chair for the day, lunch with the teacher, free homework pass, small goodies, and much, much more! If you would like to donate items, please bring the item into the classroom at any time.  Thank you for your continued support!

OUR AMAZING SCHOOL ------------->



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